Monday, March 30, 2009 12:33 AM

Sunday, 29th March

Surprisingly, i woke up early 7am.
ah well..maybe i should sleep early more i can wake up for service without being reprimanded by my cell leader or trying so hard to keep myself awake during service.

Met Hanquan & Colin at Clementi MRT..then travelled to i-forgot-which mrt to meet Joanne & her friend Rena. (Dang memory is failing me..)
After tat went straight to Expo.

Today throughout service, i managed to stay awake and was attentive to the sermon!
Alright..that doesn't happen often cause i usually slumber on my bed at ard 4am-5am.
Praise the lord! :)

OH MY! Today I was so engulfed into listening to Sharul's guitar solo's & riffs that i wasnt even singing i gotta change...the focus is on god, not how well the guitarist play lol.

After service, had some de-brief and planning on upcoming TGIF event.
then went simei to eat..
after lunch, went to find them(joanne,rena,colin,jarrel) under some hdb void deck as
they were having cellgroup...

After that, HOME SWEET HOME.

*OH DANG. i fell asleep ard 7pm jus now..woke up at 12am & here i am..blogging
I better try to sleep early =[ not 4am-5am again............*
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 3:25 AM

Having read so many reviews & comments on Edwards Guitars(MIJ)......
I got myself an Edwards LP-98-LTC a month ago...
Now I'm convinced that 'Made-In-Japan' Guitars are no joke.
All MIJ guitars have earned themselves a reputable name worldwide.

A ranking of their QC(Quality Control) on Guitars..
From best to worst

1st - Made In Japan
2nd - Made In Korea
3rd - Made In America
4th - Made In China/Indonesia

It's amazing how Edwards, being a counterpart from original Fender & Gibson, can excel and surpass the original renowned brands.

Having said this, I'm not trying to bash up Fender & Gibson brands.
But it's with no incertitude that MIJ Guitars are indeed excellent in QC & MIA Guitars have alot to learn.

Of course, under certain circumstances, QC is leaked..and therefore a bad MIJ guitar could be sent to any part of the world.
But..try comparing the number of bad MIJ guitars to any other MIA/MIK/MIC/MII guitars you get your hands on.

My gosh, if only Gibson could put more pride into making of guitars..and not constantly escalating their prices despite economy downturn.

So here's a comparison
(MIA)Gibson LP Standard Model - $3000+
(MIJ)Edwards LP Standard Model - $1000+

Edwards has better workmanship & construction.
Edwards has seymour duncan pickups, more clarity in tone.
Gibson has poor workmanship & construction.
Gibson has gibson pickups, which some might think it sounds too muddy.
Both has Nitrocellulose finish.

The only con of Edwards is that, it doesn't show 'Gibson' on the headstock.
The mentality in most people would be..."Gibson guitars are the best!"

From 2008 onwards, Gibson has produced new models with improved features..
Good news - they've improved their QC
Bad news - they've escalated prices even higher with new models.

I can't help but rant on this. Sorry =[
3:01 AM

I'm gonna be a BB Officer soon! :D
but its so boring.. when i got to attend courses
OCO ( Officer Orientation Course ) this saturday..
BOTC (Basic Officer Training Course) on april...

Currently, my life is just revolving around Church, BB, Home!
I can't wait for school to start.
already got my laptop..already paid sch fees..

So....Anyone wanna date me out for free? Guys & Girls welcome..
*sob* no one?

i'll get my girlfriends to accompany me then..

Anyone wanna buy my girlfriend for $150? she's so old..i wanna get rid of it.
(okay that was mean...)

cmon $150..any buyers?
model is Hamer CX2, Californian XT Series.
MSN me for pics..she looks quite hawt despite her age.
In memories of.........
Monday, March 16, 2009 10:02 PM

thank you for being there for me whenever im bored.
thank you for motivating me to play & improve.
thank you for all those great performances.
thank you for not giving up on me...despite my previous horrible attempts trying to play well.
thank you for letting me express my feelings through you.

sorry for selling you off for only $350...when i first bought you at $880 =[

you'd always be in my heart...
In memories of.......
Epiphone Les Paul Custom White

delirous concert was great!!
gosh..martin smith is an awesome singer..
Thursday, March 5, 2009 3:39 PM

We are pleased to inform you that you have been offered [3 Yrs] NP - Information Technology, N543 at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. An enrolment package will be mailed to you for you to indicate your course acceptance.

Got my posting result back today @ 2pm
YAY! :D Got into my 1st choice.
BB Induction Camp
Monday, March 2, 2009 3:40 AM

BB Induction Camp (fri - sun) 27th March - 1st May

All camp committees had to be in school on Day1(Friday) for preparation of camp stuff.
My main purpose there was to eat, sleep, slack & oversee some of the things they need to do.

Midnight Mini-Mahjong
(i'm gonna be so doomed if captain happens to see this haha!)
hes gonna be like "Paul, u're an officer and you're actually encouraging the boys to play mahjong..LATE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?!"

After mahjong, we moved on to playing BIG2(Daidee).
We ended up doing pumpings and jumping jets.
Cuz whoever lost has to do pumping.
1 card left = 5 pumping
1 "dee" card = x2 pumping
So in the 1st game, i lost..ended up doing more than 60
pumping cuz i had more than 10 cards left..including "dee" ._.

We played throughout the night..& yeah..i was extremely tired on day2..
But okay la, afterall..its good team bonding & communication.
& we're trying to encourage EXERCISING, not gambling =p

Early in the morning @ 6am, we went to JurongPoint for MAC breakfast..
Looks like alot of ppl @ the back..but its all BB boys actually.

I was the last to finish my breakfast cuz i ordered late.
After Mac, Went back to school.

Then finally, the arrival of sec1's..
what was that expression for?

After that..we had our games..then lunch.
After lunch..Went Hiking from school to NTU!

From Left: Hon Xuaan, Hanquan, Colin
From Back: Me duh -_-
Apologies for my retarded face. lol

After a long long walk, we finally reached...

Early Brunch, after that...area cleaning..
and EXPO!
-End Camp-
Thanks colin for the pics!

Movie Outing!
3:09 AM

Went for movie outing @ Cathay Cineplex (beside plaza sing) With 11 ppl.
Watch 3D Bloody Valentine (M18)

heh it was a nice experience really. It's as though you're watching the actions 'live'.
only thing annoying is that, i already have specs, and I HAVE TO PUT on another specs for it! (*wear contact lens next time if u wanna watch 3d movies lol*)
disclaimer ~ its extremely gore & know. which is why its M18 ... ~_~

after movie, went to selegie nearby to eat beancurd & play pool somewhere along bugis.
lastly, we went to west coast to eat prata!
i got home late....around 4am i reckon.

picture paints a thousand words,
picture with me inside paints a billion words.
cmon it was a joke, take it easy.

last but not least, Mr.Tan Wenbin. Happy 19th Birthday =)
Thx for the ride too.

Hes acting cool right here :D


Paul Lim
Birthday: 19 Oct
School: Ngee Ann poly
Course: IT


