Tuesday, May 26, 2009 5:35 PM

I wanted to get Fender American Deluxe which costs ard $2k+ 1st hand.
However, some things made me reverse my decision.

I tested an MIM Fender couple weeks ago.
MIM Fender costs $800+/-
It was fairly well-built although i found the lacquer to be excessively thick.
Neck was too fat & chunky.
Poor setup(Intonation way off, Strings height too high)
Pickups were so-so.
Weak at higher frets.

I don't mean to criticize Fender just like i did in my previous post on Gibson.
I was planning to get a Fender for so long.

However, When I tried a Tokai GS-50 Strat yesterday @ Bukit Timah Plaza-Pianoman Shop,
I'm amazed by how a $850 guitar can sound so good for its price.
I was playing for abt 30mins.
The feel & construction felt solid and well-built.
The electronics & hardwares were good stuff.

Likewise for their Tokai LP's I tried, It played as good as my Edwards or even better.
It came with hefty pricetags though.
How much?

Tokai LS-150 = $2200+/-
Gibson R0 Historic= $8000?

It has been known that Tokai LS-150 beats Gibson R0 Historic.
I don't know how true is that.

But as far as I've tried Tokai LS lower series,
They definitely beat Gibson LP Standard handsdown.
Tokai LS-90 = $1.3k+/-
Gibson LP Standard = $3000+?

They told me they're gonna bring in GS-150 in 2 weeks time.
I'm gonna try it when stocks arrive. If it plays better than GS-50, i'm gonna buy it in a heartbeat.

Till then, I'm gonna tryout Fender MIA & Swing Guitars at Sweelee & StandardValue respectively..
Monday, May 25, 2009 11:15 PM

What can be more hurtful than an emotional pain that has been ongoing for 1year+ ?
Who knows how long more before this gonna end....
maybe it's gonna stay with me like a scar.

I just want to stop worrying about how you spend your time & money.
I just want to stop worrying about what you're doing all day.

If I have to interfere & control what you can or cannot do,'re a failure in life.

Likewise for the other person,
If I have tried pursuading you countless of times to stop doing meaningless things and you still do it,'re a failure in life too.

We all make mistakes at some point in our life,
but if you insist on doing what you think is right or justified,'re an absolute failure.

Every moment in our lives is marked by death..

Why bother dwelling on things again?
Sunday, May 17, 2009 8:00 PM

Today after service at TCT, went to watch 'Angel & Demons' at Vivo with Dan.
we reached at ard 2pm+ but seats from 3pm - 6pm were already selling fast.
so we quickly bought tickets for 4pm..

Well i gotta say, its a pretty impressive movie!
At first was kinda boring, it went really slow and dull..
so i dozed off and woke up several times..
(cant be helped..i had to wake up 6am in the morning..wad u expect? lol)

I don't blame the movie though, they had to establish a ground for the storyline.
it got really nice after that..with alot of ongoing actions.
Also, I dont think its an anti-christ movie as mentioned by some people.
Yes religion & science are involved, but I don't see any direct challenge towards christianity nor political views.

2 Actors whom i thought acted really well

Overall, i think its a nice movie! 8/10
(Spoiler: the CGI used on the anti-matter explosion was awesome. So was the burning fire.)
Wanru & Lingde Wedding
Saturday, May 16, 2009 10:16 PM

So tiring yet so fun today.

met colin,hx,hq at clementi mrt today to go church wedding!
i think all the preparations and plannings are paid off when you see a sweet couple getting married on the day.

I was abit nervous playing on stage today with the band even though its my 2nd time already..
1st one was marcus' wedding.
haha im looking forward to Samuel's wedding, he asked if we could play in a band for his wedding too :D

well, i think worship today was pretty good, with a few occasional mistakes here and there..
no big screw-ups or whatsoever though.

--- After Wedding

Headed opposite building..for gkidz band rehearsal -_-
so tired alrdy..

After rehearsal...
went to wanru's house to have dinner.
Then went home.............................

I'll upload photos soon! :D
Sunday, May 3, 2009 11:43 PM

went to the clinic today for checkup...and i saw so many flu patients..scared the hell out of me.
it took me abt 1.5hours for my turn to see the doctor..
and less than 30seconds for me to go in and get out.
all he said was..."u look okay now...alright you may return to school"

so yeah..wanna rush my assignments.....but feel damn sian.
and now my attention is diverted to guitar forums & blogging. i guess ill finish by midnight =/

Paul Lim
Birthday: 19 Oct
School: Ngee Ann poly
Course: IT


