Back from camp!
Monday, August 31, 2009 1:38 PM

29th - 30th August.
Its a 2day Boys' Brigade Officer Camp.
Slept for 16hours straight after i reached home and bathe :/

There were about 20+ officers..including 2 female officers. (Age between 19 - 50)
There were also 5 instructors..

1st day, 7am - 12pm.
We arrived in Desaru after a 3hr journey.
It's actually a resort..but the rooms are pathetic for a 'resort' really.
We put down our luggages & headed nearby to a military training ground.
I think it's open to the public..but it's invisible from the world map if u look up on google cuz its military area.

Some activities we did
- Icebreaker..
- Topography: using compass & bearings to find next activity(total of 7 activities).
- Team games.
- SOC(standard obstacle course): Stepping board, Leopard Crawl, Monkey Bars, Wall(ard 1.8m high), Swinging Rope..etc
- Make a raft with 6 from 1 point to another across the swamp..
Our bodies were wet, shoes covered with mud & sand after that.

SOC wasn't difficult for most of us since majority are young. But it was pretty tough for those older guys ard 30-50.
The scary part is falling off. Because most of the obstacles have a huge puddle of water with sand & wet clay below.
The one most people fell off was swinging rope cuz they couldnt hold onto rope high enough to get across.
about 40% of them fell into the puddle of water haha!
Monkey bars there isnt the typical ones u find on playgrounds. It stretches pretty far.
I managed to cross all obstacles though cuz im light haha.

At night,
We had to make our own fire with wigs, coconut leaves..etc to cook dinner.
Also had to place bricks ard the fire to hold the wok provided by instructors.
Ingredients for dinner were of course provided.
raw egg, raw chicken, raw vegetables, uncooked rice.

Washed up after that & had some basic preparation for next day's belaying on high element rope courses.

2nd day, 7am - 5pm
Woke up at 6am+ to wash up, had some exercises and went for breakfast.

Went to the military training ground again.
This time, It was high element rope courses.

the 1st one was pretty tough.
it looked easy when i was down there watching them do it though lol.
We had to climb up the log pretty high(abt 5-6 HDB stories high?), walk across to the other log..
with only 1 long rope attached across the log & some ropes on top for u to hold & balance.
          |          |           |          |           |
          |          |           |          |           | <-- Ropes to hang onto.

__________________________________________________<--1 single rope to walk across
[ ]                                                                      [ ]
[ ]                                                                      [ ]
[ ]                                                                      [ ] <--log
I noticed the more u walk, the harder it is to reach for the top ropes.
It's impossible to walk without holding the top ropes..u'll fall off almost immediately lol.

Okay, i'm too lazy to draw the next high element rope course.
The next one was more difficult though.
Ever sat on a swing at the playground?
Well for this one, There are several small swings with different length of planks.
You have to climb up as usual...& walk across the different swings.

next one was flying fox. When we were gonna try out that one..
It rained heavily. We still carried on though.
It's a really long one though lol.
I knocked onto many branches on my way down the flying fox, not to was extremely cold due to the rain & wind.
there was a brick attached to the rope on the final point, to stop the thing.
The impact on the final point was really big, due to the high speed.
After i came down, i realised part of my specs frame broke lol.
Good news is, i can still wear the specs.
Bad news is, The specs is pretty loose now. -_-

After that, we went back to room and took a bath. We were totally wet & extremely cold on our way back.
Had lunch and went back SG. Reached home @ 6pm.
Throughout the camp, i had more than 15 mosquito bites despite spraying insect repellant on myself.
Overall, it was a fun and enjoyable experience for me. Though i've tried most of the things before, It's still really fun :)

On a side note,
Here's an awesome album preview by my friend's band 'EN-X'.
Don't worry its not virus.
>> Download it from here <<
It consists of 3 full length songs.
Album will be out by October :)
'Up' 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:53 PM


Ytd went out with Terence,Tricia,Leonard,Nisa. Had lunch then watched 'Up'.
I checked online for ratings of that movie...
and it seems pretty good. Mostly 4/5 or 4.5/5
However, I thought the movie was average only. The storyline was trite and predictable.
It was really slow & draggy in the beginning.
Nisa said she fell asleep at some point of time and only woke up when the adventure began. lol.
However, she still rated this movie 4/5 despite falling asleep -.-

Overall I would rate this movie 3.5/5
    1) Poorly developed characters.
    2) Not funny (I do have sense of humor but this movie just didnt make me laugh that much)
    3) Too Draggy & Slow
    4) Predictable storyline

But hey, everyone's view is different & It's all based on my own opinion :)

ANYWAY, after the movie, we walk from lido to marina have dinner.
then chilled out at esplanade.

and home sweet home :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 12:09 AM

Please seek for parental guidance if you do not understand the 3 part video below :)

12:06 AM


Happy National Day!
Sunday, August 9, 2009 5:18 PM

Missed service today...couldn't wake up :/

Was supposed to wake up at 7.30am but ended up sleeping all the way till 3pm!
I think I really need more alarm clocks lol.

Went to Tricia's house with Nisa, Leonard, Terence for group study @ 2pm.
We spent about 3 hours studying.

and spent the rest of the day youtubing..facebooking..viwawa'ing..
& i literally taught Nisa how to play mahjong! LOL.
..eating snacks(complementary from tricia's mom)
..eating pizzas(complementary from tricia's dad)
then went to macdonalds for till 11pm.
& home sweet home.

After we got home, we started oovoo'ing -_-
till 2am i think?

maybe thats why I couldn't wake up for service today.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009 12:25 AM

So cute.

Sunday, August 2, 2009 6:25 PM

Just got my samsung jet today! :D

he looked a little hesitant at the start..but still bought it for me anyway.
thanks dad!
Yawp of the day
Saturday, August 1, 2009 12:04 AM

4 projects...
FP handed up few days ago...
3 projects...
WP handed up today...
2 projects...

FSP - Under Progress
IS - Under Progress
Due Date: Monday & Tuesday respectively.
Well is it really progressing? no -_-

I hate the feeling where you have a project on hand...and it'll always stay in ur mind till you're done with it. freaking burden.
and its worse when u're thrown with 4 projects...its like a H U G E burden.

once projects are done, common test will come ...
I'm so looking forward to holidays and so NOT looking forward to common tests...

I need a real break cmon.
I havent got time to play guitar.
So rusty now...even my band members could tell :(

Paul Lim
Birthday: 19 Oct
School: Ngee Ann poly
Course: IT


