Dedicated to Dan
Friday, January 29, 2010 8:30 PM

Dan and his usual wacky jokes.

Google Attacked!
Sunday, January 24, 2010 12:03 AM

Heard about the recent news on Google being cyber-attacked in china?
It could be a spate of reasons...

But ain't it sad when billions of people in china can't access websites like youtube/facebook/friendster..etc ?
There weren't any reports on exactly which websites were attacked except Google, Yahoo & Adobe.

Seems to me...these days people are making use of internet to attack government groups or companies. It's the best way to cripple them yet staying hidden.

Just a recent case would be...U.S. & South Korea Cyber-Attack...
another one would be cyber-attacked.

Everything is technology these days. Everyone is cyber-attacking.
Instead of spending billions of dollars on aircrafts/tanks/equipments..
They are spending it on Internet Security.

But's my take on it.
The only reason I can find for Google to leave China is because, is controlling over 60% of the search-engine market share in China,
with Google only controlling a mere 20% or so. In fact, Google's share in China is declining.

Afterall, It may be more than just the issue on "internet freedom".

Here's an interesting finding..
34 Corporations including Google, were hit by the attack.
All 34 corporations are BASED in Silicon Valley.

Attackers used different tailor-made trojans to target different corporations.
However, The sophistication was not in the trojans itself.
The sophistication of the attack was that..the attacker knew WHERE to attack.

Heh sorry for being so geeky.
I get hyped up when I read such stuff.
Sunday, January 17, 2010 4:10 AM

Sometimes we try hard to move on with life, but all it takes is a sorrow past that clings onto you and prevents you from moving on. It's like a cycle that keeps going through your head, anytime anywhere.

I'm trying hard to move on, if only you could just tell me what you want me to do. It's been so long..what more do you expect from me really? ...just tell me please....

Often, I try to be as happy or cheerful as possible, to not affect the mood of people around me.
However, some spoilt brats tend to moodswing like nobody's business. Look, I'm not there for you to vent your anger.

I'm tired of people trying to test my patience. Just because I tend to be cheerful or look like I don't have my own problems to handle with, doesn't mean I dont have my ups and downs too. It also doesn't mean you can push me to the limit.

Sometimes I just wish somebody could be there for me to talk to. However, I just can't find someone really close enough to talk to. One thing for sure, I can't talk to guys about it. Guys are all ego-driven and they just can't talk about problems with each other because it makes them look weak.

I just hope..this year will be a better year ahead. I'm sick and tired of all the struggles and problems that happened in the past year.

If this goes on, I don't know what will become of me.

I have a church service in 3 hours time..and I'm unable to sleep already.
I don't know if I can focus playing guitar later.
Saturday, January 16, 2010 10:03 PM

so..some people said my blog too wordy.
here are the pics for christmas party on 26th dec. *ya..i know its quite long ago..*

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 6:59 PM

I'm feeling really tired right now. Haven't been sleeping well for the past few days..
I desperately want an A for my UID project. And I'm gonna work towards it..even if it means sacrificing more sleep.

So anyway, today after sch...Nisa suggested going to CCK Lot1 to do our UID project.
I had no idea where or what Lot1 is..until i reached the place. It's amazing how you've been to a place yet you can't remember the name of the place.

However, there were quite alot of ppl in the library..and alot of plugs were we couldn't use it to power up our laptops. In the end..we walked around lot1...wondering what to do.
I bought my laptop bag there...then we decided to go home.

I noticed that I tend to add ".." for every few sentences. Sorry about that :)
It's only 7pm and I feel like sleeping already. So tired really. . . . . .
The only thing thats going on in my head right now is UID & SLEEP.
I've been deprived of sleep..

I once read an article that my dad sent me through email.
Basically it stated that.. if you have less than 5hours of sleep a day, you have 60-70% higher chances of getting heart attack and high blood pressure.
Thoughts of 2009
Monday, January 4, 2010 10:57 PM's 4th day of 2010.
What a great start to a new year...
- I've been told by my cell leader to quit BB and join as GKidz leader.
- I missed classes today.
- I'm still in my holiday mood.
- My team got a D+ for UID project. (which is still unbelievable even as im blogging this)
- My sleeping time is majorly screwed up.
- Have yet to prepare songs to play for Open House.

I could go on complaining about how bad things are for me...
But i'm gonna stop complaining, do something about it...and appreciate the things that went well for me. This ain't gonna be easy cuz my thoughts are messed up with many things.
but im learning right?!!

I realised I've been drifting along whatever that came by last year. From studies to bb to gkidz to church to family. I'd say...things went pretty bad last year.
But then again, It's those bad rides you had that actually helps you to grow in maturity.
If everything in life went along your way & the way you want it, I guess it would be pretty boring
and you'll learn nothing. So... I should thankful for whatever that it good or bad.

Also, I realised that alot of my blogposts are filled with melancholic thoughts..
im gonna try to be more optimistic in future haha.

SO...I'm gonna go on blogging abt smth interesting abt yesterday..
Rennie held a 144 meeting. He was talking about the importance of goal settings in life.
Here's what I captured and rephrased in my own words.

A survey was conducted years ago in Yale University. (1 of the top universities in U.S)
Amazingly, They found out that only 3% of students in yale university set goals in their life.
Many years down the road, they noticed that the 3% turned out to be more successful in life than the other 97%.
I guess what I'm trying to point out here is self-explanatory..
It still amazes me though.

"If you do not plan your life yourself, someone else will do it for you, and it will not be beneficial for you. (i.e. your boss)"

An interview was conducted on top 3 AIA agents(insurance agents).
They were interviewed on how they became so successful.

1st person said,
I aspire to be the top agent so I could stand on stage every year to receive award/prizes and people would recognize me for my contribution. (driven by fame and recognition)

2nd person said,
I am a single mother and have kids to feed. I need the money to support my family.
(driven by the need to support family)

3rd person said,
When I was young, my dad died without any coverage of insurance.
Thus, I want to become an insurance agent to help as many people without insurance as possible so that they would not go through the same hardship i had.
(driven by empathetic emotions)

How many of us are actually driven by something to achieve our goals? Or do we just say it and not act upon it? Do we sometimes just feel the need to go school because our parents forced us to. Or do we sometimes go to school asking ourselves "why?". What are the goals in our life we want to achieve? Do we just treat everything in life frivolously?

Here's a joke i like
"The secret to success is knowing who to blame for your failures."

Paul Lim
Birthday: 19 Oct
School: Ngee Ann poly
Course: IT


