Random blabbering
Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:37 PM

I'm still looking forward to 'dinner'ing' with rachel/crystal/cordelia for my super belated bday.

School is really boring. It's 2nd week already..i think this semester's 'boring-est' module is EIS(Enterprise Information System). I can never seem to concentrate when she's teaching despite the fact that 99.9% of the students weren't paying attention she was literally talking to herself.

I felt more stress planning for the camp than preparing for exams.

I'll be away for 3day camp.......i'm gonna miss my laptop & guitar & .... =(

My lecturer, Connie Chan...talks/lectures/teaches/look at us like we're little kids.

I once read a friend's msn pm that stated "When we're young, we fall in love easily". I think thats true..and who knows whether the feelings will remain or ... just infatuation.

I am still wondering whether to get Windows 7 free from school or use pirated CD.
1)Everything will be wiped out but safe to use it.
2)All files will be intact but unsafe to use it.

I haven't been sleeping well for the past few days due to camp planning and I'm still sick =(
CPC Outing/Belated birthday...
Saturday, October 24, 2009 3:01 PM

Went to vivocity with CPC, Kiat Hwee & Kien after sch. Reached there at ard 1pm+. Had lunch at burger king. After that, headed to Toys'R'Us while kiat hwee was entertaining us along the way.
We walked around like small kids playing with toys like we were deprived of childhood -_-
Went to the balcony after that and chitchat.
I was shocked by this gift lol. pardon my crude use of words.

Didn't see properly?!?! LET ME SHOW U PICS.

I showed my dad when i got home and he laughed at me..saying "sch kids are all like that".
After awhile, we got bored chatting and decided to play 'murderer' -_-
Tricia couldn't stop laughing for some reason. Everyone thought she was the murderer but she wasn't. lol. Kiat Hwee was like "I GOT A VERY STRONG FEELING ITS YOU!"
Ard 5pm+, Kiat Hwee went off cuz he had smth on.

After that we went to another place and continued talking -,-
They asked me about their first impression & current impression of them..Well my mind wasn't working at that point of time..So I think i answered nonsensically lol.

Was hungry, so went to Banquet to eat. I ordered Chicken Rice which totally sucked cuz it couldn't fill my hunger. After that we sent Kien to Bus Interchange cuz he had to go. Then went to Watson's cuz the girls had to buy some stuff -,-

Went back to same place(near swinging black man) to talk again. Tricia was freaking out cuz we started talking about scary/horror stuff lol.

We left at 10.30pm ...and continued talking more in the MRT ..
Reached home at 11.30pm.
Start of 2nd Sem / My Birthday
Monday, October 19, 2009 11:14 PM

Today is my 19th birthday! =)
Went to school today..was feeling kinda bored cuz its the start of a new sem...(YAWN~~~)
Yet I'm supposed to feel happy cause its my birthday.
I reached the class at ard 9am+. Had some boring 1hr-2hr lesson on EIS(Enterprise Information System). It seems really boring to me :/

After that, we headed to the lecture theatre to have some briefing on the new semester..

I was surprised haha. I'll let the videos do the talking.
This is right after the briefing ended and we came out..

...Nice wrapping. but i was surprised to see it was wrapped with newspaper. guess whats the present?

Here is another surprise. haha.

I know i looked retarded thru-out the whole thing. couldnt help it LOL!
Thanks CPC for the card and guitar picks! =)

Thanks to all who gave me presents/wished me happy birthday on MSN/FB/SMS/Real Life! =)
Sorry if i forgot to reply you!
I'm looking forward to a few more presents haha.
Tricia called me "PRESENT-MINDED" lol wth.

*my dad bought alot of food for me just now. but here's what caught my attention
1 apple for $5 EACH!!?!?!! look at the size of the peach and apple lol.

Geez...tomorrow have to reach sch at 7.30am just for sports&wellness. cant believe it -_-
CPC Outing
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:28 PM

Met with CPC at JurongEast ytd. Headed to Bugis to have lunch. We stood there for a long time wondering what to eat. After pondering for a long long time, we decided to eat @ PastaMania. I had beef bolognese. Pastamania got 30% student discount btw..just realised :D

After that,
we walked iluma to watch movie. Tricia was THRILLED & FILLED WITH EXCITEMENT when going up the long escalator in iluma which she calls it "Escalator to Heaven". Once again, we stood there for a long long time before deciding what to watch.

Ended up watching 'Surrogates'. Not bad la. I would give it a 3/5 rating. Storyline is pretty interesting but it isn't the type of the movie where u go "ooOOo-WoO0w-AmAziNng" kind of movie. It's more like CSI where it keeps u thinking. Not much of action. It falls under the same category as I-Robot.

Walked around town area after that..and then went to our usual place 'Esplanade'. Sat there and chitchat till 10.30pm then went home.
Great Food Trial
2:39 AM

10th October 2009(Saturday) - The G.R.E.A.T Food Trail
Food, food and more food. However, there was more to it. I found myself running through chinatown and hunting for good food....

We had a short briefing and allocation of groups at TCT before setting off to Chinatown. We had a budget of...$30? and make our own decisions on how we want to spend it for transport & food. All the checkpoints were allocated clearly on a map given. Pretty much like amazing race with a twist to it.

Upon reaching Chinatown, we ran to our first checkpoint, the herbal tea shop. Took a group photo as proof that we got our 1st checkpoint =) We also had to buy a bottle to complete our task. Needless to say, It's really bitter. Asher bought another bottle to drink because he had cough. Seems like it did help in soothing his throat.

2nd checkpoint was the German hotdog shop. For one, I couldn't remember the shop name because its too long, and I could only remember the Barwurst hotdog if thats how you spell it because the guy highlighted it and told us its pronounced as "Barrrwussshh" and told us to repeat it like 3 times. He was certainly entertaining and one of the highlights for this food trail. He also seemed kinda peculiar to me from the way he talked to us. Maybe we're unaccustomed to his way of interaction. But he definitely had a very loud voice and we were ignoring him for close to 3minutes because we weren't sure if that was the right stall in the beginning. He's really friendly though. We ended up buying 2 of the hotdogs and here's our group photo. It is really really nice by the way. *MUST TRY*

3rd checkpoint is the dessert shop which I don't know its name either cause its in chinese..
Below is the pic of Green Tea Snow Ice dessert. The taste is quite mild and pleasant. Try it if you're a green-tea lover. We also tried the Almond Paste which Rachel commented was 'DAMN GOOD'. However, some of us didn't like the taste of Almond.

4th checkpoint, the 'Ba Gua' Stall. Well this brand is really famous so I see no reason why anybody wouldn't know it. While queuing, another group came over. Due to the long queue, they requested that we share a piece of 'Ba Gua' with them so as to complete the task for this checkpoint. Here's the collaboration of the two group leaders ..

5th and 6th checkpoint, 'Yong Tau Foo' & Eggtarts/Pau's shop. This queue is even longer than the Lim Chee Guan 'Ba Gua'. Picture speaks a thousand words.

Look at the queue...It was worth it though. According to my group members..they described the 'Yong Tau Foo' as "Succulent, Delicious, 'melts in your mouth', Extremely good ". I don't know how it melts in your mouth..but i suppose they just meant it as delicious.

The final checkpoint was just behind this 'Yong Tau Foo' stall.
The pau is really good. I think the word 'Succulent' is most appropriate here at least for me. It's small but when you eat it, It just taste fresh and doesn't nauseate you at all.

We rushed back to TCT before 4.30pm to have our final round. Each group had to do a presentation/skit based on what you've experienced throughout the entire trail.
Well we didn't win despite trying our best. More importantly, the consensus: All of us enjoyed ourselves. It was a good time to tense down from whatever work/studies we've been busy with. We would definitely want more of such events/activities in future.
Saturday, October 10, 2009 8:34 PM

9th October 2009 (Friday) - Pulau Ubin
I was awakened by a phone call at 10:45am only to realise that I was supposed to have a recce with Hanquan & Alex for the upcoming combined BB camp. Quickly bathed/prepared myself and rushed down to Clementi MRT to meet them.

It was a longgg 1hr+ journey before we finally reach Changi Village. We decided to have lunch there before heading to pulau ubin. The first thought that came to my mind was 'NASI LEMAK!'.
Sadly, I was repelled by the horribly long queue and not to mention, the freaking hot weather and huge crowd in the hawker centre where the tables are all so cramped and close to each other. ..enough of whining, thats not the main focus of the trip lol.
(Well..actually there's more to whine about during the pulau ubin trip)

After lunch, we took a boat to Pulau Ubin. It was a considerably short distance..took about 7-8mins at most. We paid $2.50 per person for the boat trip. Upon reaching, I noticed there weren't alot of visitors around. It was rather peaceful and quiet.. like typical Kampung.

Anyway, We quickly rented a bike each, $5 per bike for whole day. Got a map and went on to recce. Well I didn't take any photos but It was hell of a journey. The track is full of upslopes & downslopes, making it difficult for us to cycle. I had to paddle at full speed before going up some slopes because it was so freaking steep. Throughout the journey, the weather was really hot and we had to keep hydrating ourselves. The uncle that sold us drinks blatantly asked "...Don't you feel hot?"
We took about 3 hours or find checkpoints/stations. We left Pulau Ubin at 4.30pm. Got home at around ..6pm.
(I Dread going there for the time being...but we have to recce again next week...without bicycles. just walking! hmm maybe it would be better...considering we don't have to paddle so hard to go up the slopes.)

Paul Lim
Birthday: 19 Oct
School: Ngee Ann poly
Course: IT


