Monday, February 8, 2010 9:11 PM

Today's presentation was pretty good i guess.
no major screwups or whatsoever.
I think my team members did pretty well, though they dont think so..

Anyway after presentation, i went home. It was only like 3pm.
Decided to ask james out for pool & some shopping.
I bought spade clothes again
mmm..i'm thinking of buying from volta...but it's freaking far..Grand Cathay there.
So anyway..after we left the shop, james kept commenting that the sales girl is cute & pretty -.-

Went to play pool after that..for an 1hr+
then ate at BK...

oh btw, don't ever ever ever walk along the basketball court near pioneer MRT..
Its FREAAKINGGGGGG smelly. Even the banglas couldn't take it.
Its like shit smell, but x10 of that fragrance.
I almost puked out my BK on the spot.
I had to RUN to the MRT! so just imagine.

Moments ago, my dad just complained again..that my wardrobe is bigger than his. lol
12:57 AM

I came home at ard 3pm today. Wanted to go shopping but was lazy.
Turned on my comp...lied on my bed while waiting for the comp to start up.
so amazingly, i fell asleep all the way till 10pm..
didn't change clothes nor bathe lol.
I was kinda surprised myself. I guess i was too tired...

Anyway, I just told my Dad awhile ago..i wanna buy more clothes.
He's like "what?? so many clothes already still buy."
me: "ya but i don't wear most of it..cuz those were bought by you & mum..and it's like atrocious"
he: "who says so. the clothes i bought for u are nicer than what ur mum bought."
me: "....whatever."

like two weeks ago my mum said the same thing to me. contradicting isn't it..
But it's the fact that i don't wear like 70% of my clothes.
I should sort out my cabinet's quite sickening to see clothes you won't/don't wear.

So..I can't sleep now. I guess i'll play guitar for awhile :D
I have a presentation tomorrow on my UID project.
project + presentation is like 60-65% weightage and i'm not feeling nervous yet.
Is this a good or bad sign..? sigh.
Saturday, February 6, 2010 10:37 AM

Pity is like a drug. It gives u satisfaction but its empty every single time
Google's new DNS Service
Friday, February 5, 2010 5:18 PM

So...recently google announced their new service(Google DNS).
News all over the net was mentioning about how secure and how much faster it is than your ISP is providing..

hence i tried to do a traceroute to determine if its worth the change from what Singnet is providing me. But I couldn't really tell the difference as the speed was very similar.

1 of the things that Google pointed out was that cache misses are a critical performance factor for DNS services. But I think cache misses dont happen so frequently & even if it does, waiting a few more seconds wont kill you.

So I did a couple of tests & runs with namebench to get the most accurate results.

Conclusion: No it's not worth the change. Singnet DNS still runs faster.
Singnet DNS is 50ms faster than Google DNS.
I think it's due to the number of hops from my
(IP > Singnet's DNS) vs (IP > Google DNS).

If I live in America, I reckon it might be faster.
Still, Isn't it amazing that Google DNS is faster than our local ISP(Starhub)'s DNS? :)

And i probably wont change DNS unless...
- Singnet's DNS keeps going offline or crashes.
- Google becomes an ISP(Which i doubt so -.-)

Paul Lim
Birthday: 19 Oct
School: Ngee Ann poly
Course: IT


